ban fans

CRank: 5Score: 7200

Blu-ray is still very young. The disks are still quite expensive compared to DVDs and most people have not bought a high-def TV to take advantage of the format. Once plasma and LCD become the standard household TVs, people will start to take advantage of the technology they have and prices will drop on the disks. Relax; new tech adoption does not happen overnight!

5894d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was just thinking of Prototype and Fallout 3! But, wow, there are so many! Not sure if they are coming out this year or early next but... Silent Hill V, FFXIII, Heavy Rain, Wipeout, Motorstorm 2, Afrika, Alone in the Dark, and on and on.

Boy, it is a great time to be a gamer!

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not very impressed so far. Sure there is a couple good songs but after playing the game for a few hours, ever great songs are going to get tiresome when you hear them 20 times. It also seems strange that so close to release we haven't heard more, especially as GTA is well known for its great soundtrack. A little troubling. Guess we'll all just have to wait to see what the full list will contain.

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It also sounds like the game needs a lot more development time. Hopefully they give it the time it deserves and not rush out the product. What's the point (in this age of gaming) of having a deformation effect if it doesn't look fairly real and can not be used except on certain points of the environment. It's kind of like those annoying points in some games where you are running and jumping all over the place with a super human god-of-a-character only to reach the edge of the map that is barr...

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This year is looking to be a little rough on the wallet! With Haze, MGS4, Resistance 2, a new Tiger Woods, and the list goes on and on. I currently own 10 games and have sold 2 over the 6 - 8 months that I've owned my PS3.

I think I may end up going a little light on the purchasing this year. I don't have as much time to play as I used to and I really need to get back to some of the game I own now and beat them before getting too far ahead of myself. But there are some absolute...

5894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How could a duel layered Blu-Ray be only 9 hours long? That would mean a heck of a lot of graphic and / or sound power and the game would end up looking almost photo-realistic with that much info and a very short story line. MGS4 looks great, but I think Kojima might have spent a little time on gameplay and story (little sarcasm there). I wouldn't be surprised to see 9 hours of cutscenes, but gameplay? Come on! We all know Kojima and Konami better than that.

5894d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

AS couple months ago people were bashing the delays, saying the game doesn't look very good anyway, and Haze is a total waste of time. Now, not a negative word in the house!

Looks like a great game to me with the added bonus of having great story, which can be hard to find in a FPS. Graphics are great, but give me a great story any day. I played through Deus Ex (PS2) after playing half way through God of War. Then played it about 3 or 4 more time before going back to GOW. Hey,...

5895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, you aren't the only one. I've never been that big into GTA, although I've owned two of them. I see what people like about them, but find myself bored quite quickly. I play through about half the story, get bored and go on a roof to snipe people until the cops come just to see how long I can last or maybe get away. In San Andreas, I actually spent half my time playing pool! I'm never into the plot enough to go back to it. Maybe I'm (and perhaps you, too) a dying breed of gamers. I like a l...

5895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you. MS is a good company, but they seem to foul up in really big ways every once in a while. I really don't understand the slow start up speed and bogging down that you face with this OS. I bought this computer brand new with Vista pre-installed and it has always chugged along like a snail on Prozac. I mean, with nothing on the computer beside the OS itself, shouldn't it run fairly quickly? (lol) Anyway, I appreciate the info. I probably will go over to XP if I get the chance. T...

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I have Vista. It is a terrible running system. I turn on my computer and simply walk away so that when I come back in fifteen minutes, it may be ready for me to close its half dozen unnecessary windows and do something. Then when I tell it to do something it says "Are you sure you want to do that?" YES! That's why I clicked on it! Now they want me to pay them for another version of Vista that is supposed to run better. They know it doesn't run correctly, but t...

5896d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I haven't played the game, but a male lead just seems stupid. Why not make a prequel or something. I know the last thing we need is another action game with a sexy female lead jumping around, but the ABSOLUTE last thing we need is an action game with a muscular guy jumping around. Besides, the hair was cool!

Oh well, she'll probably be unlockable or downloadable or some such thing anyway. I doubt they will cut her out completely.

5902d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the building exploding way off in the distance, you really get the sense that the world will be alive and carry on with out your influence. Also, being so far away, and nearly out of frame, it certainly isn't a "canned" scene, thus furthering the living/warring environment. Glad I reserved my copy!

5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do agree with quite a few of your points, but there really is no one solution. It is a tough subject and as I said I work in a gun shop so...

I have been surrounded by people who own guns my whole life, and know of no one who has purposely shot some one. I come from a real rural, redneck community where every one owns a gun. In the last 60 years there have been two murders; a strangulation and a stabbing. So, even though there are more guns than people in my town, no one has ...

5922d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But you are speaking of an impossibility. (I put this in an edit above but...) There will always be guns out there because certain governments or factions will feel they "need" them. With my drug comparison, think of it this way. Back in the 1930's the US enacted prohibition and banned alcohol. This suddenly turned bootlegging into one of the most profitable businesses in the nation overnight! If guns were illegalized (because they CAN'T be eliminated), gun running would become huge...

5922d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

By making drugs illegal, there are less drugs being used than if they were legal?
I can get any illegal drug I want at the drop of a hat, and I live in a small rural town.

Edit - While I agree that completely eliminating guns would lessen the likelihood of this particular occurrence, that is an impossibility. There will always be factions, groups, and governments that have "need" of guns. And as long as that is the case, there will always be illegal guns in ci...

5922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I work in my family's gun shop and you can't just walk in and buy a gun. To purchase a rifle we actually have to call in to the government to get purchaser approved before we can sell the rifle. We don't sell hand guns at all because the government regulations are so stiff that it is not worth the hassle.

As I stated above, this kid did not purchase the gun in a store; he bought it illegally off the street or stole it from some one who legally owned it and did not have it prope...

5922d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You pass as many laws as you want to ban firearms, but do you honestly think this kid applied for and bought this gun at his local gun shop? No, he purchased it illegally off the street.

Think of it this way, we have some very strict drug enforcement laws, does that prevent people in America form buying, selling and using drugs. No. The same can be said about an all out ban on guns. If a gun ban went into effect, gun trafficing would become the most profitable criminal activiti...

5922d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love playing football games and spent hours on Madden 06 and 05 on PS2. Madden 08 was one of my first purchases when I got my PS3 and I sold it about two months later. It just wasn't that fun to play any more. It has been so diluted by its own "extra features" that the game play has suffered. I spent most of my time managing my team and / or player that it seemed I never got on the field. And once I did get to the field, I never really felt like I was in control of what was going ...

5922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I admire your enthusiasm (and absolutely agree with you on Jack Thompson), this would not affect Hilary's run for president at all. I think it should, but it won't. Unfortunately, we gamers have no real voice in the government at this time. Yes, we all hate censorship, but the way this issue has been handled by the media (and I mean all media) is that it all gets downplayed and put on show like they did some thing good by protecting our youth from these harmful "video game things&q...

5922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, this could have looked pretty bad on their customer service and just plain respect for their own users.

I am glad to see they (MS and Bungie) went above and beyond what they had to do to compensate for their error. Even though it was to ultimately avoid getting "too" much of a black eye, it is nice to see that these big companies still value individual fans.

Good job!

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment